So how does it work?

According to the EU Action Plan on Childhood Obesity 2014-2020, the proportion of the population in EU countries who are overweight or obese remains worryingly high for adults and for children and young people, despite action at the European level to reverse the rising trend (EU Action Plan on Childhood Obesity 2014-2020,p.2). The implications of overweight and obesity in the Europe are stark: the prevalence of obesity has more than tripled in many European countries since the 1980s and with this rise comes a concomitant increase in rates of associated non-communicable disease. The WHO’s Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI), around 1 in 3 children in the EU aged 6-9 years old were overweight or obese in 2010. This is a worrying increase on 2008, when estimates were 1 in 4.


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